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Is your life clouded with doubt?
What if I told you that in one session, we can change that with proven results.
Immediate answers
to burning questions.
Powerful insights.
Fast solutions.
Instant clarification.
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Make the call and watch it happen.
Don't tell me, I'll tell you first.
Note: It is a very good idea to write down a list of your most burning questions to make sure you get all your answers.






Love tarot card readings



Channelling spirit guides

Coffee cup readings


Spiritual healing

Grief counselling

Specialising in relationships

Private consultations 

Psychic phone readings



Gypsy Rose is Whispering Wisdom

28 Hancott Street 

Ryde 2112 N.S.W.



Pay by Credit Card
Psychic Readings Online
$50.00  for 10 minutes
$5.00 per minute thereafter
Private Consultations
by appointment only
$150 for 30 minutes 
$5.00 per minute thereafter

Online psychic readings

versus Private consultations.

What's the difference ?

There is no difference.

In service to uplift, enrich, enlighten and empower with compassionate excellence in the light of love.


Rene L  

I had my first reading with Rose. Wow! Amazing and accurate. I highly recommend Rose to anyone looking for a genuine gifted psychic.


Zee M 

Rose is amazing! She knew absolutely nothing about me and as soon as she started reading everything I was concerned about came up in my reading. It's given me positivity and a lot of hope.


Uriel K 

Recommended by a friend so couldn’t be disappointed! Very accurate, wonderful person to talk with, very very good guidance. She told me everything why other psychics have told me and much much more about past, present and future. One of the best psychics I have ever been to.

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Privacy Policy and Disclaimrer  Psychics Clairvoyant Tarot Card Readings    28 Hancott Street  Ryde  2112  NSW

Phone 0405 192 225   ABN: 95360982837  Registered Trademark: IP Australia 1232993

All rights reserved to Gypsy Rose is Whispering Wisdom

The Law States that Psychic Readings are for entertainment purposes only and you must over 18 years of age to use this service.

Psychic readings are not to be interpreted for medical, legal, financial or psychiatric professional avdice.
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